

Ignotofsky, Rachel.

Women in Science [Text] : 50 fearless pioneers who changed the world / written and il. by Rachel Ignotofsky. - Berkeley : Ten Speed Press, 2016. - 127 p.

Rachel Ignotofsky, a writer and New York Times illustrator, published her first book ‘Women in Science’ to spread her message about powerful women and their significant influence. ‘Women rock!’ she says and confirms her thoughts with the history of 50 researchers from various fields of science and technology, including such famous personalities as Marie Curie and Hedy Lamarr. We know less about Mae K. Jemison, astronaut, educator, and doctor. Mae Jemison is a good example of a woman who followed her passions and realized her childhood dreams. She became a medical doctor and an astronaut. She worked in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone and Liberia for several years. Mae applied to NASA and became the first African-American woman in space. Now she founded BioSentient Corporation which creates devices that will allow doctors to monitor patients’ day-to-day nervous system functions.

Interesting information about 49 more women scientists can be found in Rachel Ignotofsky's book ‘Women in Science’.


Три століття козацького флоту [Текст] = Three Centuries of the Kozak Fleet / В'ячеслав Саричев ; англ. пер. Г. Остапенко ; худож. Є. Саричев ; упоряд. картогр. матеріалів О. Черненко ; Нац. заповідник "Хортиця", Благод. фонд "Хортиця". - Запоріжжя : Кераміст, 2015. - 136 с.

The history of Zaporizhzhya Kozaks is inseparably connected with sea campaigns and battles. That’s why it is considered to be the history of the Kozak fleet as well. From the late 15th to the late 18th centuries that fleet helped the Kozaks to challenge the confrontation and interaction of Western and Eastern civilizations and protect Ukrainian people from destruction. Taking this into account, the author believes the popular opinion about the historical period of the legendary “Chaika's” existence (from 16th to 17th century) to be arguable. While the Kozaks existed in the place of intersection of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ottoman Empire, and Russia Empire’s expansion directions, their fleet continued to be a significant factor of geopolitical transformations in the Northern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov regions.

The edition is published in English and in Ukrainian. The book is intended for everyone interested in the history of Ukraine and Zaporizhzhya Kozaks.


Introduction 5
Motherland of Zaporozhzhya Kozaks 10
Return to sea 26
From monoxylons to chaikas 47
Bazavluk — Bosphorus 55
New times 67
“Novomanernaya kazatchiya lotka” 75
To the North Black Sea Coast 93
Under the Clatter of Zaporozhzhya Hopak 103
“Zaporozhzhya-boats” or the Faith of the Kozak chaika 119
Afterword 125
Memorable dates in the history of the Kozak fleet 129
Recommended literature 134


Кальниченко Олександр Анатолійович.

Історія перекладу та думок про переклад у стародавні часи

навч. посіб. для студ. 5 курсу ф-ту інозем. мов освіт.-кваліфікац. рівня "Магістр/спеціаліст" ден. форми навчання
Х. : Вид-во ХНУ ім. В. Н. Каразіна, 2013.


Українська культура в англомовній інтерпретації [Текст] : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. / Я. В. Бистров [та ін.] ; за заг. ред. Я. Бистрова ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України = Discovering Ukrainian Culture: Issues in Practice : a resource book for students / Edited by Yakiv Bystrov. - Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2013. - 146, [1] c.

Discovering Ukrainian Culture - this is the title of a new manual we already have in the library’s foreign languages documents department. The manual comprises representative blocks of Ukrainian social cultural reality in English. There are cultural stereotypes and lifestyle, Ukrainian customs and traditions, tourism and migration in Ukraine, the latest developments in social life, and Ukrainian fiction in English translation. The manual will be helpful for linguistic cultural competence improving.




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