Hispanic colleges

Hispanic serving colleges



California State University Bakersfield, CA, http://www.csub.edu/
Dominguez Hills, CA, http://www.csudh.edu/
Fresno, CA, http://www.csufresno.edu/ 
Los Angeles, CA, http://www.ucla.edu/   
Monterey Bay, CA, http://csumb.edu/ 
Northridge, CA, http://www.csun.edu/ 
San Bernardino, CA, http://www.csusb.edu/ 
Stanislaus, CA, http://www.csustan.edu/ 
Carlos Albizu University, FL, http://www.albizu.edu
City University of New York, http://www2.cuny.edu/
City College, NY, http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/  
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NY, http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/ 
College of Aeronautics, NY, http://www.aero.edu/ 
College of Santa Fe, NM , https://www.sfcc.edu/
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, CA, http://www.dspt.edu/ 
Florida International University, FL, http://www.fiu.edu/
Heritage College, WA, http://www.heritage.edu 
Mercy College, NY, https://www.mercy.edu/
Mount St. Mary's College, CA, https://www.msmu.edu/
New Jersey City University, NJ, http://www.njcu.edu/
New Mexico Highlands University, NM,  http://www.nmhu.edu/
New Mexico State University, NM, http://www.nmsu.edu/
Occidental College, CA, http://www.oxy.edu/
Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio, TX, http://www.ollusa.edu/ 
Robert Morris College: Chicago, IL, http://www.robertmorris.edu/
St. Augustine College, IL, http://www.staugustine.edu/
St. Edward's University, TX, http://www.stedwards.edu/ 
St. John Vianney College Seminary, FL, http://www.sjvcs.edu/ 
St. Mary's University, TX, http://www.stmarytx.edu/
St. Peter's College, NJ, http://www.saintpeters.edu/
St. Thomas University, FL, http://www.stu.edu/
San Diego State University, CA, http://www.sdsu.edu/ 
Sul Ross State University, TX, http://www.sulross.edu/
Texas A&M International University, TX , http://www.tamiu.edu/
Texas A&M University, http://www.tamu.edu/ 
Corpus Christi, TX, http://www.tamucc.edu/ 
Kingsville, TX , http://www.tamuk.edu/
University of Houston Downtown, TX, http://www.uhd.edu/
University of La Verne, CA , http://www.laverne.edu/
University of Miami, FL, http://www.miami.edu/ 
University of New Mexico, NM, http://www.unm.edu/ 
University of Texas, http://www.utexas.edu/ 
Brownsville, TX 
El Paso, TX, http://www.utep.edu/
Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX, http://www.uthscsa.edu/ 
Pan American, TX, http://www.utpa.edu/
San Antonio, TX, http://www.utsa.edu/ 
of the Permian Basin, TX
University of the Incarnate Word, TX, http://www.uiw.edu/
Western New Mexico University, NM, http://www.wnmu.edu/
Whittier College, CA, http://www.whittier.edu/ 
Woodbury University, CA, https://woodbury.edu/


Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute, NM, http://www.tvi.cc.nm.us
Arizona Western College, AZ , http://www.azwestern.edu/
Bakersfield College, CA, http://www.bakersfieldcollege.edu/ 
Central Arizona College, AZ, http://www.centralaz.edu/ 
Cerritos Community College, CA , http://www.cerritos.edu/
Citrus College, CA, http://www.citruscollege.edu
City Colleges of Chicago, http://www.ccc.edu/ 
Malcolm X College, IL , http://malcolmx.ccc.edu/
Richard J. Daley College, IL, http://daley.ccc.edu/ 
Wright College, IL, http://wright.ccc.edu/ 
City University of New York Borough of Manhattan Community College, NY,  http://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/
Bronx Community College, NY, http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/ 
Hostos Community College, NY, http://www.hostos.cuny.edu/
La Guardia Community College, NY, http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/
Coastal Bend College, TX, http://coastalbend.edu/
Cochise College, AZ, http://www.cochise.edu/ 
College of the Sequoias, CA, http://www.cos.edu/ 
Del Mar College, TX , http://www.delmar.edu/
Dodge City Community College, KS, http://dc3.edu/
Don Bosco Technical Institute, CA, http://www.boscotech.edu/
Dona Ana Branch Community College of New Mexico State University, NM, http://dacc.nmsu.edu/ 
East Los Angeles College, CA,  http://www.elac.edu/
Eastern New Mexico University:
Roswell Campus, NM, http://www.roswell.enmu.edu/ 
El Paso Community College, TX, http://www.epcc.edu/ 
Gavilan Community College, CA, http:// www.gavilan.edu
Hudson County Community College, NJ, http://www.hccc.edu/
Imperial Valley College, CA, http://www.imperial.edu/
Laredo Community College, TX, http://www.laredo.edu/ 
Long Beach City College, CA, http://www.lbcc.edu/
Los Angeles Harbor College, CA, http://www.lahc.edu/ 
Los Angeles Trade and Technical College, CA, http://college.lattc.edu/ 
Miami-Dade Community College, FL, http://www.mdc.edu/
Mount San Antonio College, CA, http://www.mtsac.edu/ 
Mountain View College, TX, https://www.dcccd.edu/
New Mexico Junior College, NM, http://www.nmjc.edu/ 
Odessa College, TX , http://www.odessa.edu/
Otero Junior College, CO, http://www.ojc.edu/ 
Palo Alto College, TX, http://www.alamo.edu/pac/ 
Passaic County Community College, NJ, http://www.pccc.edu/
Phoenix College, AZ,  http://www.pc.maricopa.edu/
Pima Community College, AZ, http://www.pima.edu/
Reedley College, CA, http://www.reedleycollege.edu/
Riverside Community College, CA, http://www.rcc.edu/
St. Philip's College, TX, https://www.alamo.edu/spc/
San Antonio College, TX , http://www.alamo.edu/sac/
Santa Fe Community College, NM, https://www.sfcc.edu/
South Mountain Community College, AZ, http://laveen.southmountaincc.edu/
South Plains College, TX, http://www.southplainscollege.edu/
Southwest Texas Junior College,TX, http://www.swtjc.edu/
Southwestern College, CA, http://www.swccd.edu/ 
Trinidad State Junior College, CO, http://www.trinidadstate.edu/ 
Ventura College, CA, http://www.venturacollege.edu/
Victoria College, TX, http://www.victoriacollege.edu/
Waubonsee Community College, IL, https://www.waubonsee.edu/

Photos are for educational purposes only .

