Home News A Good Habit to Visit the Library

A Good Habit to Visit the Library

27.10.2021 11:07

At a regular meeting of the English Speaking Club, the participants discussed bad and good habits. American journalist Charles Duhigg believes that habits arise when the brain looks for a way to save effort. That way, we don't have to get used to brushing our teeth or greeting our neighbors every day. However, our visitors acknowledged that there are no people without bad habits. They discussed how best to get rid of them, or rather how to replace them. All members of the speaking club have a good habit of learning English and improving it with other interlocutors.

The visitors to the Easy English for Kids club also teach themselves to benefit from learning. This time they took part in the "Smartest" contest. They made several exercises, which helped to repeat the English alphabet, action verbs, names of household items. We had fun, guessed riddles, and read tongue twisters at speed. This week we invite our young participants to celebrate Halloween.

