Home News Different Cultures

Different Cultures


English club last week (March, 25) began with introductions which included not only our name, but our favorite place in Kherson.  Our discussion topic was 'Culture', as in the set of traditions, beliefs, etc. that make up a culture (though, one group went off topic and got deep into a conversation about the different aspects of music culture and what is – and is not – music).  36 participants were divided into five groups to ensure that everyone had a chance to talk.

The original plan was to discuss the topic within our group and then report back to the group at large the commonalities we found in ideas and opinions; however, this did not happen.  Conversations became involved and varied and they were let to take their natural course.  At the end of the session it was announced that much of the summer, our Peace Corps Volunteer facilitator will be out of town.  A request was made for volunteers from the group to take over facilitating during summer sessions, if the group still wants to meet.

