Home News How Women Can Achieve Personal and Professional Success

How Women Can Achieve Personal and Professional Success

21.03.2021 15:55

The second round of the Women's career club «Window to Success» started at Window on America in Kherson. This time, twice as many women with two facilitators in two groups will learn to be undeterred. The idea of the club came from the America House in Kyiv, and the book, that the participants will read, was written by Rania Habiby Anderson, a leading world-class expert, and trainer on career advancement for women entrepreneurs in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. She founded The Way Women Work, a school designed to embody women's business ideas and help them become self-confident.

In her book, Rania Habibi Anderson teaches women how to succeed in a transition economy despite cultural differences and gender constraints. Rania considers the six habits that every successful woman should develop to be the main ones. The author's advice is backed up by inspiring stories from more than 250 women from different countries with whom Rania spoke in person.

Club members will read, discuss and apply the advice from Rania Anderson's book «Undeterred» for personal and professional success.

