Home News Put Yourself at the Center of Your Life

Put Yourself at the Center of Your Life

31.05.2021 11:24

Put yourself at the center of your life - this was the main task of the next chapter of Rania Anderson's book «Undeterred». The fourth habit she considers necessary for a successful businesswoman is «Integrate». The members of the Window to Success career club learned to integrate work into their life. To embody their personality, one of the group visitors made models of their ego from bright wires. The attendees answered questions:

- What do you want your integrated life look like?

- How much responsibility do I want to have at work?

- How much time do I want outside of work?

- How do I want to spend my time outside work?

A significant part of the meeting was to study not to apologize about work at home, and not to apologize about personal or home needs at work. After all, all these are parts of our lives that complement, not overlap.

There are more two more chapters of the book, two habits, and two club meetings at Window on America in Kherson. The changes have already begun in the lives of our women. Will they achieve their goal? We will find out soon.

