Saint Nicholas – December 6th or 19th?

On December 6th, Saint Nicholas Day recognizes the third-century saint who became an inspiration for the modern-day Santa Claus. In our country, that day falls on December 19th. St. Nicholas derived from Nicholas of Myra and was a bishop in 4th century Greece. He was known for selling off his items and then giving the money to the poor. He dedicated his entire life to serving people who were sick and suffering.
The members of the Easy English for Kids club learned new legends about St. Nicholas and told what they knew before. For example, one well-known story involves a dowry for a father’s three daughters. In the third century, it was common for fathers to offer money to prospective husbands. However, one poor father with three daughters did not have money to do this. St. Nicholas paid for all three daughters’ dowries by leaving gold in their shoes.
During the next meeting, we studied and had fun playing Simon says and Memory games. Everyone made an origami fortune teller and got the answer to the question that interested them the most. But you don't even have to ask a fortune teller to guess that next Sunday we will speak about Christmas traditions at our next meeting.